The #1 Killer of Sales

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How do you accomplish anything worthwhile? Simple: commitment, perseverance… and a consistent routine.

Routine: doing the right things the same way every time until they become habitual and streamlined.

But what eats up a salesperson’s time and energy, getting in the way of productivity and killing sales? Doing the WRONG things over and over and over.

A good routine requires a system; a streamlined process that prioritizes activities that achieve the desired results. Without such a system, we are all destined to spend too much time chasing the “urgent,” and missing the “important.”

Fact: 75% of businesses do not have clearly defined and functioning systems that link marketing with sales.

Without these systems, salespeople spend too much time researching and qualifying prospects, and too little time involved in the activities that actually lead to closing more sales.

Without an active, automated intake system, a prospect submits a request for information from your website. The information is sent to a staff member who is responsible for logging all leads and assigning them to a sales rep (and often, that staff member is you!). Then, the sales rep, already loaded down with a long list of activities for the day, may get to call the prospect back within a couple of days.

Even if you are really good and that “a couple of days” is a couple of hours, you only have a 5% chance of actually engaging that lead. They’ve already moved on and forgotten all about you.

Automated Marketing and Sales Systems change all that by automating a strategic, systematic, and instantaneous response to all incoming leads. A lead is received and instantly assigned to a salesperson for follow-up. That salesperson is immediately notified of the lead via email, and given a task to contact the prospect right away. At the same moment, the prospect receives an email from the salesperson introducing themselves and promising to call as soon as possible. All this is automated and takes place without fail every time.

To follow up, the salesperson logs into the CRM where the new lead is already there and the task waiting to be completed. Since all prospect information is already there, the salesperson wastes no time with data entry. They simply log in and get to work, completing their tasks and noting the progress of their customers quickly and efficiently.

An Automated Marketing and Sales System can easily let you double your sales by letting you focus on doing the right things — the things that close sales and make you money. In a competitive market, can you really afford not to automate your sales process?

Picture of Scott Stroud

Scott Stroud

Scott Stroud is CRM Program Director for MhCRM, the only automated CRM for the MH industry. Scott is the co-author of Managing Your Business With 7 Key Numbers, available at, and The Complete Guide to Marketing and Selling New Homes. Scott is a regular speaker at MH national and state events and a key contributor to He can be reached at or at (606) 416-2078.
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