Mindset: There May Never Be A Better Time to Buy

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You’ve heard of “Buyer’s Remorse?” Well, today, that’s likely to be buyers who are remorseful that they didn’t buy a year ago when interest rates were down! So, they may be thinking they’ve missed the boat in terms of finding real value in their purchase. Help them see otherwise!

If it’s true that the best time to buy was yesterday, then it’s equally true that the next best time to buy is today! No, interest rates aren’t at sub-3%, and probably never will be again. But they are still well below historical averages, making this the best time to buy what they are likely ever to see. Right now, interest rates are lower than they were 12 years ago. They’re lower than they were 20 years ago, and way below what they were 30 years ago! And who knows what could happen tomorrow? And while others drop back into a scarcity and fear-based mentality, you can seize the opportunities with the right mindset.

Yes, the slowdown in the housing sector is opening up additional opportunities for you. For one, cash buyers don’t care what the interest rates are; they’ve been waiting for a time like this to get the best deal they can. Additionally, as the economy tightens, the emphasis on homebuying is moving from luxury to value. Buyers will be looking to get the most home for their money.

Well, folks, that’s our specialty. The homes you have to offer are the most value-packed that can be built, giving you a distinct advantage in the marketplace.

What to do

  1. Comb through your leads for the past 18 months and identify prospects that already own land. These have the highest potential to be able to buy now, and if they haven’t already purchased, it’s likely they’ve been waiting for a time like this.
  2. Develop a promotion designed to attract just these prospects with a real incentive to buy.
  3. Market your promotion through email, social media, and even a print campaign. Consider hosting an invitation-only event for your target group, offering special incentives for those that buy during your event.

Today, you have the inventory and historically low rates. You have a home that will give them a better quality of life. And the sooner they buy, the less it will cost them… and the sooner they will enjoy the benefits that their new home will deliver – comfort, security, and peace of mind.

Keep that mindset, and you will help buyers see the reality that now is the best time for them to take action to get the home they will treasure.

Picture of Scott Stroud

Scott Stroud

Scott Stroud is CRM Program Director for MhCRM, the only automated CRM for the MH industry. Scott is the co-author of Managing Your Business With 7 Key Numbers, available at BuilderBooks.com, and The Complete Guide to Marketing and Selling New Homes. Scott is a regular speaker at MH national and state events and a key contributor to LearnMH.com. He can be reached at scott@mhcrm.com or at (606) 416-2078.
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