Sales Tip #6: Be Present

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Where is the conversation with your buyer taking place? The REAL conversation begins before you’re even aware that they exist, and long before they’ve visited your model or sales center. It takes place online – on your website and on social media.

We hear a lot about our online presence. We may have a great website, and invest in our Facebook page, Pinterest, and Instagram, but are we really present? Are we putting our brand and content out there, but we’re not programmed to receive what comes next? There is a difference between having a presence and being present. Every online platform your organization has should be a place where we can converse with prospective buyers. You do this first by monitoring your pages and quickly responding to questions and encouraging comments.

For many of our CRM clients, we create forms for each salesperson to use in their social media posts. That way, they can not only be present and start conversations, but they also capture new leads that are then assigned to them, get an immediate response, keep the conversation going, and prompt the next step — a model visit.

So, don’t just have a presence, be present wherever you can engage with your audience online to start conversations that lead to sales.

Picture of Scott Stroud

Scott Stroud

Scott Stroud is CRM Program Director for MhCRM, the only automated CRM for the MH industry. Scott is the co-author of Managing Your Business With 7 Key Numbers, available at, and The Complete Guide to Marketing and Selling New Homes. Scott is a regular speaker at MH national and state events and a key contributor to He can be reached at or at (606) 416-2078.
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